Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Welcome Isaac Lee!

We are so excited to announce the birth of our son, Isaac Lee. He was born on September 20, 2010 at 11:35pm. He weighed 8lbs 11oz and was 21 inches long.

I have been getting requests to post Isaacs birth story, so here it is!

On monday evening, Remie and I were watching tv and yelling at the kids to go to sleep. At 8:28pm (funny how I remember the exact time!) I felt a contraction. I told Remie about it but I wasnt getting excited because of all of the contractions that I had in the past that resulted in nothing. 8 minutes later I had another contraction, this one more painful. Remie suggested that we start timing the contractions. Once again, I wasnt convinced that this was the real thing. I decided to sit on my birthing ball to see if I could get this baby moving! The contractions started coming 4 min apart and were uncomfortable. I thought that it was false labor and that I just had to use the bathroom. As I was sitting in the bathroom, the contractions started coming 2 minutes apart and were painful. I thought, "crap this is the real thing"! I couldnt believe how fast things were moving. I told Remie to call his mom to watch the kids and to get my bag. I was in some real pain by now and I just kept saying "SHIT SHIT SHIT !" When Remie's mom arrived at the house, she found me bent over the chair. She started rubbing my back and told me that it would be over soon. I finally made my way to the car and we were on our way to the hospital. I remember yelling at Remie in the car not to accellerate because it made the contractions worse. We got to the hospital at 9:45pm and my contractions were right on top of eachother. I could barely get in my hospital gown because they were so intense. They checked me and I was 5 cm. I was actually frustrated that I was only 5 cm because of all the pain I was in. I thought for sure that I would be ready to push by then. The nurse asked me if I wanted an epidural and I said no. The nurse was awesome! She said "Great! I did it without drugs too, I wont ask you again about pain relief!" I was so encouraged by this because normally I am met with resistence when I say that I want to go drug free!At 10:30pm they checked me again to see how much time the on call dr had before coming to the hospital. I was at 6cm and again frustrated that I was only that far. I didnt realize how fast things were moving, so being at 6 cm at only 2 hours of labor didnt seem "speedy" to me. I labored in my room for about another 45 minutes. It was extreme pain! I could believe how hard it was to make it through each contraction but my doula and Remie encouraged me and helped me remain calm through each contraction. Without them, I wouldnt have been able to stay focused. At one point after a contraction, I looked at Remie and told him that I didnt want to do this anymore and that I wanted to go home! I dont know how he didnt laugh at me! He just told me that that meant I was in transition and that it would be over soon. I thought he was nuts! A little after 11pm my dr came in to check me. I told her that I needed to push but she wanted to check me first. I was completely dilated and she said that I could start trying to push while she got on her scrubs and prepared the room. I gave one good push and my water broke! It felt like a fire hose was spraying out of me all over my dr and nursing staff! Everyone started scrambling and my dr told me to slow down while she got ready! I couldnt slow down, my body just kept pushing on its own! My dr yelled "I NEED GLOVES!", I pushed about 4 more times and Isaac Lee was born at 11:35pm on my bed without anyone prepared! My poor dr had to deliver Isaac with only one glove on and in her jeans! They told me that he was a boy and laid him on my belly. He sat there content for about 5 minutes. It was very surreal. After the umbilical cord stopped pulsing, Remie cut the cord. We looked at eachother and I said "What in the world are we going to name him?" At that point, Isaac started peeing all over me and we started laughing hysterically. It was then obvious that Isaac was the best name for him because it means "laughter"!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project

The Pepsi Company has a grant program in which they are giving away millions to fund great charity ideas. They are asking the public to submit ideas to better their communities. When I heard about this program, I immediately submitted my idea for the Serve those who Serve program. The Serve those who Serve project would do exactly that. I would like to develop a group of certifed doulas (labor assistants) to support women whose husbands have been killed in the line of duty or are serving overseas in our military and can not attend the birth of their child. Each military wife would have the option to have a certified doula support them during the birth of their child so they do not have to be alone. No woman should have to give birth alone. The doula would supply support physically, educationally and emotionally. The doula will also be available post partum to help the mother adjust to life at home by assisting in household chores, breastfeeding support and baby care.

Check back on June 1st to see if my idea was picked as a contender to better our community! If I am picked, I'll need your votes to win funding!

Friday, March 5, 2010

How I Did It

I am constantly being asked by clients, nurses, friends and family how I delivered two children without epidural pain relief. This question is one that I have never known how to answer because I didn't want to make mothers that received an epidural feel inadequate or like a failure. I would normally answer this question by simply stating that I have fast labors. I thought that if the mother wanted to know the risks of epidural and narcotic pain relief during labor that she would research the subject herself. The problem is that most mothers do not know that there are serious risks for the mother and baby if they receive pain medication during labor. Most mothers think that if the doctor is willing to give them the medication then it must be safe. This revelation has made me rethink my answer to the question of how I gave birth without an epidural. There is some truth in my original answer. I did indeed have relatively quick labors but that is not why I chose to go med-free. The truth is that I decided not to receive an epidural because I firmly believe that the benefits of pain relief absolutely do not outweigh the risks to my baby and me.

My role as a doula is not to judge women if they decide to get an epidural or narcotic pain relief during childbirth. My job is to educate mothers so they can make an informed decision about which pain relief would be best for their situation, if any.

Here are some good resources on childbirth:

The Hidden Risks of Epidurals

The Hormonal Blueprint of Labor